Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm

Author's Collection

  Walking Like His Daughter  




This is the season to start "Walking Like His Daughter" !
Are you prepared to let God lead ? 

Maybe you have been imitating the walk of others but have yet to move beyond your God-given potential.


It’s time to walk Freely, Faithfully, and Fearlessly as

God has called you!


Adjust your crown Daughter daybreak is coming!


God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.

Psalm 46:5


Get ready to experience a spiritual awakening as you prepare walk like Royalty !



"The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming”

Romans 8:18

Latasha Wesley’s, Still Standing; Journey of Pain, Prayers, & Perseverance-

A faith filled, motivational memoir that chronicles several years of the authors life; her story is full of raw emotion and reaches out to every woman in every season; she describes how Depression, Grief, Unhealthy Relationships, Love, Motherhood, and Autism- have profoundly shaped her into the woman she is today.

This book will minister prayers of hope, words of encouragement, and praises of victories.

As you take this Journey, may you be lifted up- stronger & stronger by the power of Jesus Christ!  

  When the sister authors of Dear Mama began their work on this project they could not have imagined the tremendous need for transparent support. These submissions are relatable and span from first-time young mamas to empty-nest with adult children mamas. Regardless of the range the commonality that holds us together is the love and commitment to the families we have created. In this ever-changing world it is important to note that every loss has been met with an even greater gain. We have rallied together to take care of what matters most: ourselves. Self-care is no longer a fleeting mantra but a mandatory action. A person cannot pour from an empty cup. Even airlines demand that in the event the oxygen masks are deployed, you must first put on your mask and then help others . 

Latasha Wesley 2020